How To Tell If A Cat Needs Anal Glands Expressed: Signs & Symptoms

Cat Anal Gland Issues


Cats are often subtle when it comes to showing signs of physical discomfort, making it challenging for pet owners to detect underlying health issues. One common yet overlooked problem is anal gland discomfort, which can lead to significant pain if left untreated. If your cat is displaying unusual behaviors, it could be a sign that their anal glands need to be expressed. In this article, we'll guide you through the key signs and symptoms to help you determine if your cat needs anal gland expression or veterinary care.

How To Tell If A Cat Needs Anal Glands Expressed 

Determining whether your cat needs its anal glands expressed requires close observation of their behavior and physical condition. Common signs that your cat may need their anal glands expressed include:

  • Cat repeatedly licking the anal gland area: While all cats normally clean themselves, the discomfort of anal gland inflammation or infection will cause cats to repeatedly interrupt their activities to lick themselves.
  • Cat scooting: This behavior is typical when a cat is trying to ease itching in the rectal area. The cat sits on the ground and pulls their body forward with their front paws, so that their hindquarters "scoot" along the floor.
  • Defecating outside the litter box: While this is usually caused by the cat's objection to some aspect of their litter box, it can also indicate discomfort or constipation due to anal gland inflammation.
  • Foul odor or fishy smell: A healthy cat should not have any unpleasant body odors. Noticing a bad smell is a red flag that should catch an owner's attention.
  • Redness or swollen anal glands: While the other symptoms on this list can have many causes, a visible inflammation or swelling around the anus is a tell-tale sign. The anal glands are located on either side of the rectal opening. Thinking of the area like a clock face, the anal glands are at the 4:00 and 8:00 positions.

    What Are Cat Anal Glands?

    Cat anal glands, also known as anal sacs, are two small glands located on either side of your cat’s anus. These glands produce a pungent, oily substance that is typically released during bowel movements. This substance is used by cats for marking territory and communicating with other animals.

    In healthy cats, the anal glands empty naturally when they defecate. However, when these glands become blocked, infected, or impacted, they can cause discomfort and lead to serious health issues if not addressed. Understanding the function and importance of these glands can help you recognize when something is wrong and take appropriate action.

    Although cats are far less likely than dogs to have problems with their anal glands, it can still happen. If the ducts or outlets from these glands become clogged, the glandular fluid can't be expressed in the normal way when the cat defecates. The glands can become impacted, and this in turn can constipate the cat and interfere with normal litter box usage.

    When excessive bacteria build up in the anal glands, it becomes an infection. This makes the entire area painful and itchy for the cat, and they may try scooting and licking in their attempt to find relief. Infections that go untreated for too long can create an abscess, which is an acutely painful condition that needs prompt medical intervention.

    Anal Gland Treatment Options For Cats

    If a cat is showing signs of anal gland problems, the owner should check with a veterinarian to find out if antibiotics or pain relievers are needed. In some cases, the practitioner will also manually express the contents of the anal gland contents.

    For pets prone to this problem, nutritional supplements are generally recommended in addition to any immediate treatment. Adding fiber and other key nutrients to the cat's diet through a tasty addition of Glandex Powder can help keep pets free from future discomfort.

    When it comes to treating anal gland issues in cats, several options are available depending on the severity of the problem:

    • Manual Expression: This is the most common treatment for full or impacted anal glands. A veterinarian or trained professional can manually express the glands to relieve discomfort.
    • Dietary Changes: Adding fiber to your cat's diet can help promote regular bowel movements and naturally keep the anal glands from becoming overly full. High-fiber cat foods or supplements can be beneficial.
    • Medications: If an infection is present, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications to treat the infection and reduce swelling.
    • Surgery: In severe cases where the glands repeatedly become impacted or infected, surgical removal of the anal glands may be recommended. This is typically a last resort when other treatments have not been effective.

    How Often Do A Cat’s Glands Need Expressing?

    The frequency with which a cat's anal glands need expression will vary based on the individual cat and their specific health needs. In many cases, healthy cats never require manual expression of their anal glands, as these glands naturally empty during regular bowel movements. However, some cats–especially those prone to anal gland issues or those with certain underlying conditions–may need their glands expressed more frequently.

    If your cat has had anal gland problems in the past, your veterinarian may recommend a regular schedule for gland expression, which could range from every few months to more frequently, depending on the severity of the issue. Monitoring your cat for signs of discomfort or checking with your vet can help determine the right frequency for your cat.

    When To See A Vet For Anal Gland Issues In Cats

    It's essential to consult a veterinarian whenever you suspect your cat may be experiencing anal gland issues. Immediate veterinary attention is necessary if:

    • Your cat is in visible pain or discomfort.
    • There is swelling, redness, or bleeding around the anal area.
    • Your cat has difficulty defecating or shows signs of constipation.
    • You notice a strong, foul odor from the anal glands, which could indicate infection.
    • The symptoms persist or worsen despite home care or dietary changes.

    Early intervention can prevent minor anal gland issues from developing into more serious conditions. Your vet can provide a proper diagnosis, recommend the best course of treatment, and advise on preventive care to keep your cat healthy and comfortable.

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